Congratulations! You’ve been accepted!

Welcome to the
Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine’s
Masters and Doctoral programs.

To enroll in our programs, complete the following steps by the deadline stated in your Letter of Acceptance.

  1. Sign both enrollment agreements (Masters and Doctoral Enrollment Agreements). Email them to [email protected].

    By signing both agreements, this means SIEAM has accepted you into the Masters program (MAcHM) and the doctoral program (DAcHM), should you choose to complete it. Please note this means you are committing to the Masters program; the final decision about the Doctoral program is made during the third year of the Masters program.

    Signing both enrollment agreements is required for entry into our program, as stipulated by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (ACAHM).

  2. Submit your enrollment deposit. This $1,000 deposit is non-refundable and goes to your first term of tuition. There are two ways to submit your enrollment deposit.

    1. Mail a check. Address your check to “SIEAM” and mail it to our main campus address:

      Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine
      Attn: Admissions
      6363 7th Ave S
      Seattle, WA 98108

    2. Pay through ACH. Please contact our accountant, Franz Aponte, to set up the ability to pay online.

We recognize the gravity of your decision to join the SIEAM community. This is a significant commitment, and the fact cannot be understated that we are here to support you, in steadfast dedication to your growth as a practitioner. As always, if you have any questions or need help along the way, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

The Academic Leadership Team of the Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine

Craig Mitchell, President — [email protected]
Kathy Taromina, Academic Dean — [email protected]
Sabu Kallingal, Director of Admissions & Student Services — [email protected]