Bell's Palsy
This year, SIOM offered a second year class discussing neurologic conditions and East Asian medicine taught by Dr. Yun Wang, M.D. (China), M.Ac., E.A.M.P. By their second year, students have already spent one year as observers during their preceptor clinics, where faculty, who all have ten or more years of experience, treat patients. Second year students have also spent several months treating patients using tuina and shiatsu techniques as interns in our bodywork clinics. So when Dr. Wang is discussing neurologic conditions like Bell's Palsy, students often have first-hand experience with patients who have such conditions.
Pictured to the right is a recent local acupuncture treatment for eye issues related to Bell's Palsy used during a clinic shift. Students gain confidence using needles at tender areas of the face during their second and third years—practicing on each other first, of course! But treating locally is only one component of treatment plans that students learn about.
Acupuncture needle treatment