“Stop Itching Aromatic Wrap” for Treatment of Pediatric Papular Urticaria
Zhi Yang Xiang Bao Fang "Stop Itching Aromatic Wrap"
for Treatment of Pediatric Papular Urticaria
New Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol. 26, No. 12, 1994, Pg 38
Translation by Mary Beddoe
Shi Rong Xian
Papular urticaria is a pediatric disease commonly seen in both spring and autumn, which presents with recurring outbreaks of papules, vesicles, and itching. The author used the processed Chinese herb formula: Zhi Yang Xiang Bao Fang "Stop Itching Aromatic Wrap", which was worn as treatment for 50 cases. Notable results were achieved and are presented as follows.
1. Treatment Method
Herb Composition: bai bu 48g, qi ye yi zhi hua 60g, bai zhi 24g, zi su 24g, bo he 24g, jing jie 24g, pei lan 18g, can er zi 18g, ku shen 18g, han fang ji 18g, huang qin 18g, liu huang 18g, xiong huang 18g, bing pian 12g, zhang nao 12g, niu huang 6g (without niu huang can substitute peng sha instead).
Methods Used: The above herbs were ground into a fine powder that was mixed thoroughly and then placed in an airtight porcelain jar and preserved. For each use, 60g of powder was placed in a cotton cloth pocket, which was worn during the daytime on the child's chest, and during the night placed 30cm from the child's nose. Each month the herbs were changed once, and in doing so were placed in a warm water bath (for additional treatment). One course of treatment constituted the child wearing the pocket for 4-10 months.
2. Clinical Efficacy
50 cases of pediatric papular urticaria (children 6 years of age) were treating wearing this aromatic wrap for two courses of treatment. A total of 38 cases were cured and showed no signs of outbreak in 2 years. Another 8 cases had notable effect (the number of outbreaks in the course of 2 years was cut in half). The number of cases that showed no improvement was 4.
3. Discussion
Western medicine holds the cause of papular urticaria to be an allergic reaction to an insect bite from an arthropod, while the Traditional Chinese Medicine differential diagnosis is heat toxin collecting in the skin. For this reason, herbs such as xiong huang, liu huang, bai bu, qi ye yi zhi hua, and zhang nao are used in the formula to resolve toxin, kill parasites, and stop itching. In addition, aromatic herbs such as zi su, jing jie, cang er zi, bai zhi, and pei lan are used to penetrate such warm natured, infectious diseases. When inhaled, they pass easily from the nose into the lungs, where they clear inner smoldering heat. Furthermore, niu huang and bing pian assist by increasing the formula's ability to kill parasites and stop itching. In addition, they help preserve the herbal powder and keep it from going bad. Modern pharmacological research shows that these types of aromatic herbs which resolve-toxin, cool, and dissipate-heat, have the effect of increasing immunity, decreasing inflammation and fighting allergic reactions. Zhi Yang Xiang Bao Fang is a formula that is convenient, protective, therapeutic, free from side effects, and especially suitable for use with children.