12:00 PM12:00

Virtual Admissions Info Sessions

Meet our Director of Admissions during this virtual info session. This presentation and intimate Q&A is a great way to learn about SIEAM’s graduate programs in East Asian Medicine. We’ll provide basic information about our programs and application process, followed by an open discussion guided by your questions.

Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] to receive a Google Meet link for the event. All are welcome. Google Meet includes closed captioning as a feature, if needed.

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12:00 PM12:00

Virtual Admissions Info Sessions

Meet our Director of Admissions during this virtual info session. This presentation and intimate Q&A is a great way to learn about SIEAM’s graduate programs in East Asian Medicine. We’ll provide basic information about our programs and application process, followed by an open discussion guided by your questions.

Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] to receive a Google Meet link for the event. All are welcome. Google Meet includes closed captioning as a feature, if needed.

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12:00 PM12:00

Virtual Admissions Info Sessions

Meet our Director of Admissions during this virtual info session. This presentation and intimate Q&A is a great way to learn about SIEAM’s graduate programs in East Asian Medicine. We’ll provide basic information about our programs and application process, followed by an open discussion guided by your questions.

Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] to receive a Google Meet link for the event. All are welcome. Google Meet includes closed captioning as a feature, if needed.

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12:00 PM12:00

Virtual Admissions Info Sessions

Meet our Director of Admissions during this virtual info session. This presentation and intimate Q&A is a great way to learn about SIEAM’s graduate programs in East Asian Medicine. We’ll provide basic information about our programs and application process, followed by an open discussion guided by your questions.

Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] to receive a Google Meet link for the event. All are welcome. Google Meet includes closed captioning as a feature, if needed.

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12:00 PM12:00

Virtual Admissions Info Sessions

Meet our President and Dean during this virtual info session. This presentation and intimate Q&A is a great way to learn about SIEAM’s graduate programs in East Asian Medicine. We’ll provide basic information about our programs and application process, followed by an open discussion guided by your questions.

Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] to receive a Google Meet link for the event. All are welcome. Google Meet includes closed captioning as a feature, if needed.

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12:00 PM12:00

Virtual Admissions Info Sessions

Meet our Director of Admissions during this virtual info session. This presentation and intimate Q&A is a great way to learn about SIEAM’s graduate programs in East Asian Medicine. We’ll provide basic information about our programs and application process, followed by an open discussion guided by your questions.

Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] to receive a Google Meet link for the event. All are welcome. Google Meet includes closed captioning as a feature, if needed.

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5:00 PM17:00

Virtual Admissions Info Sessions

Meet our President and Dean during this virtual info session. This intimate Q&A is a great way to learn about SIEAM’s graduate programs in East Asian Medicine. We’ll provide basic information about our programs and application process, followed by an open discussion guided by your questions.

Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] to receive a Google Meet link for the event. All are welcome. Google Meet includes closed captioning as a feature, if needed.

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12:00 PM12:00

Virtual Admissions Info Session

Meet our President and Dean during this virtual info session. This intimate Q&A is a great way to learn about SIEAM’s graduate programs in East Asian Medicine. We’ll provide basic information about our programs and application process, followed by an open discussion guided by your questions.

Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] to receive a Google Meet link for the event. All are welcome. Google Meet includes closed captioning as a feature, if needed.

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Responding to a National Call for Change and Reparation, Town Hall #4
5:00 PM17:00

Responding to a National Call for Change and Reparation, Town Hall #4

As practitioners, faculty, school administrators, and students of East Asian Medicine, we can apply the tools of the trade to treat the white dominant cultural training and bias within us. Then use this treatment principle to change the racial climate of our organizations. What happens when we do this? We stop doing harm and perpetuating harm to Black and African American practitioners, faculty, school administrators, students and patients ~ harm that inevitably and unconsciously stems from unaddressed and in this case “untreated” whiteness.

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Responding to a National Call for Change and Reparation: Online Zoom Town Hall Part III
5:00 PM17:00

Responding to a National Call for Change and Reparation: Online Zoom Town Hall Part III

Building an Anti-Racist Organization: A conversation with Aminta Steinbach

Defining the term: "Anti-racism is the active process of identifying and eliminating racism by changing systems, organizational structures, policies and practices and attitudes, so that power is redistributed and shared equitably." - Alberta Civil Liberties Center

The path to change: “The only way to undo racism is to consistently identify and describe it—and then dismantle it.” - Ibram X. Kendi

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Responding to a National Call for Change and Reparation: Online Zoom Town Hall Part II
5:00 PM17:00

Responding to a National Call for Change and Reparation: Online Zoom Town Hall Part II

In this second town hall meeting, we will have the opportunity to hear from Dr. Tenisha Dandridge in her presentation titled: Increasing BIPOC access to care in Acupuncture & East Asian Medicine. Dr. Dandridge will share her perspective on short term and long term solutions to the existing barriers to care for BIPOC patients. She is positioned to offer a great deal of insight on this subject and how it directly relates to the professional field of East Asian Medicine.

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Admissions Info Session
6:00 PM18:00

Admissions Info Session

Meet our President and Dean during one of our evening Info Sessions. This intimate Q&A is the perfect venue for you to get all your questions answered. Whether you’re curious about our programs, application process, or profession as a whole, we are prepared to speak candidly about the joys and challenges of studying at SIEAM and working in East Asian medicine today.

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Four-Part Online-Zoom Town Hall #1: Responding to a National Call for Change & Reparation
5:00 PM17:00

Four-Part Online-Zoom Town Hall #1: Responding to a National Call for Change & Reparation

Members of the Do No Harm Coalition will help us begin the discussion of Using our Privilege as Healthcare Providers to Work to Eliminate Health Disparities due to Racial Injustice in our local community, our profession, and the US healthcare environment

Video Link for a Recent Event Including Dr. Rupa Marya of Do No Harm: Prioritizing Equity

Everyone is welcome to join us for this series of town hall meetings.

To REGISTER, click on icon below.

*Note that you still need to click 'Add to Cart' and go through the full check out process even though the charge is $0 (you will NOT need to enter payment information). You will know you have registered when you receive an email confirmation.

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Admissions Info Session
6:00 PM18:00

Admissions Info Session

Meet our President and Dean during one of our evening Info Sessions. This intimate Q&A is the perfect venue for you to get all your questions answered. Whether you’re curious about our programs, application process, or profession as a whole, we are prepared to speak candidly about the joys and challenges of studying at SIEAM and working in East Asian medicine today.

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Admissions Info Session
6:00 PM18:00

Admissions Info Session

Meet our President and Dean during one of our evening Info Sessions. This intimate Q&A is the perfect venue for you to get all your questions answered. Whether you’re curious about our programs, application process, or profession as a whole, we are prepared to speak candidly about the joys and challenges of studying at SIEAM and working in East Asian medicine today.

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Ba Gua Zhang Study Group
7:00 AM07:00

Ba Gua Zhang Study Group

SIEAM is offering a continuing series of instruction in Ba Gua Zhang featuring NYIA/IAI instructors, Adam Wasserman and Joe Cool. They will be teaching the fundamentals of BGZ as a method of martial arts and self exploration. Class will be offered every 8-10 weeks, with an ongoing Thursday Morning study group led by Kathy and Craig to keep everyone on track.

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Admissions Info Session: Zoom
4:00 PM16:00

Admissions Info Session: Zoom

For those who cannot attend in person this intimate Q&A will be held over ZOOM. Get all your questions answered. Whether you’re curious about our programs, application process, or profession as a whole, we are prepared to speak candidly about the joys and challenges of studying at SIEAM and working in East Asian medicine today.

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Ba Gua Zhang Study Group
7:00 AM07:00

Ba Gua Zhang Study Group

SIEAM is offering a continuing series of instruction in Ba Gua Zhang featuring NYIA/IAI instructors, Adam Wasserman and Joe Cool. They will be teaching the fundamentals of BGZ as a method of martial arts and self exploration. Class will be offered every 8-10 weeks, with an ongoing Thursday Morning study group led by Kathy and Craig to keep everyone on track.

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